For me, Shadow Network is up there among the most important books of recent years. It's brilliant and crystal clear in explaining what the rest of us are up against. I can never decide whether it or Jane Meyer's Dark Money is more important, but the answer is probably that they're equally vital in explaining what's going on.

At the same time it's worth reading Democracy in Chains by Nancy Maclean, which gives the history of voter suppression and thus showing how the GOP goes about denying the vote to people who aren't "the right sort" (blacks and poor whites, surprise surprise).

This article is really excellent, but I would still recommend that you should all read these books for the extra depth and perspective they give.

Also, not to forget How the South Won the Civil War (Heather Cox Richardson), of course. The only difficulty with this one is that it is so packed with the historical events leading to the white supremacists regaining the upper hand that it can only give a brief sketch of any one of them. If you're not well versed in the history that can be a bit taxing.

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On 1-20-25, the Christian Nationalist will control the US supreme court, the presidency, the senate, and the house.

Our government has been taken over by Christian Nationalist, while they distracted people with lies.

This is brought to you by republicans, stop voting for them.

The states controlled by republicans, are already implementing Project 2025.

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I had to stop half way through this because I’m emotionally gagging on your words. But THANK YOU for so clearly connecting the dots and putting into words something I’ve been watching unfold with horror for some 45 or more years. As the lone blue sheep in a far right family that has been praying and working towards this election’s outcome, I was disgusted they think they are living to see the glory of a Christian Nation finally come true. So I declared myself an orphan on November 6th. I wish every word Ive read so far weren’t so true. Keep up the excellent work.

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Thank you so much for reading, but sorry to hear about what happened with your family :(

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I guess the part where Jesus FEEDS THE HUNGRY is either too Christian or not Christian enough for these fools?

Great article!

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Thank you for reading!

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Reads like a ‘who’s who’ list of the stanky Klan. Paul Weyrich is Reagan’s nasty creep who tried to turn Black men into POWs of the Drug War.

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Thank you for reading!!

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Thx for writing! I am only sorry that the topic is so vile. These people are only out to force their beliefs on a single color like a gang rag. They don’t care if they hurt or kill anybody else. That’s the point … shoving their inbred village god down sum suckas throat.


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Thank you for this information. I appreciated the internal links.

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No problem :) thanks for reading!

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Danny, I just subscribed to your ss and am bookmarking some of your earlier posts 💙 have you ever looked into LA gov. Huey Long? Lots of parallels between him & Trump in the way they view/approach government & political power

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Thank you for reading! Yes I've learned about Long before. He is very very similar to trump in many regards. He had an autocratic streak too though. He was complex man, but ahead of his time.

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Great deep dive into Louisiana politics. I wish someone smart would do this about how CN took over Oklahoma politics. Also Missouri which isn’t yet as far gone as Oklahoma. Now the citizens of my state, Oklahoma, are fully brainwashed (75/25 state) so it’s too late for a generation at least. Maybe it’s not too late in other places.

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It’s 100% not too late for other places. People just need to start caring ASAP!

Thank you for reading!

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Wow! Thanks for this important work. I will be referring to it often. I remember walking in on a conversation between my would be supervisor and one of my coworkers when I was taking on a new role as education coordinator for a healthcare provider. They had said something about Prager U as a model of how we should be operating! I was aghast. Predictably, there has been friction.

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These two people are WCN/MAGA adherents. They are climate change deniers and bigots. Conversations stop at the threshold of specifically work related issues. I'd already gone through it all with the woman who became my supervisor - from climate change to immigrants to 2A to social safety net programs - she is as cold as ice.

When I was preparing an indepth presentation on the opioid crisis for our 2019 company wide conference, her advice to me was "don't let anyone know what your politics are by what you present." This same woman stood up there just a year or two prior blaming immigrants and public transportation in her (ostensibly scientific evidence based) presentation on bed bugs. 🫠

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Good lord

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THAT'S INSANE. Prager isn't even accredited. No one should be following their model lol

But thank you SO MUCH for reading!

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Criminal stalker snitch 4SS Tony Perkins & his stanky Klan 🥱

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Excellent, well researched read! Please share.

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thank you! :)

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