Don't order from ULINE...owned by Uihlein that you mentioned.

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I've just subscribed; thank you for your column! (My real name is Dave Cherry; perhaps we're related!) I'd like to order "The Pike Boys," but is there a way to do it other than through Amazon? I really don't feel like giving Bezos any more money!

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Thank you so much for reading! And yes!

I actually have some signed copies on hand if you’d prefer that. $20 flat, I’ll cover the shipping. I’m trying to figure out how to divest from Amazon as much as possible, but that really isn’t simple. I get your stance and will 100% be ok if someone doesn’t want to get my book from Bezos lol however, it is also available on Barnes and Noble, books-a-million, and some other places!! If you go to Books2read.com/thepikeboy , I’ve created a link with all of the available retailers I’ve been able to find!

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When is this election?

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I've corrected the story to add that the race is on April 1st. Thanks for pointing this out.

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We need a national strike and we need it NOW

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